
Home  /  Uncategorized   /  Digital traffic continues to increase as we sprint into the Zettabyte Era, with global annual totals projected to triple in three years. By 2020, wireless and mobile device traffic will account for two-thirds of total global IP traffic.

Digital traffic continues to increase as we sprint into the Zettabyte Era, with global annual totals projected to triple in three years. By 2020, wireless and mobile device traffic will account for two-thirds of total global IP traffic.

John Stewart, senior vice president, chief security and trust officer of Cisco once said that “Digital traffic continues to increase as we sprint into the Zettabyte Era, with global annual totals projected to triple in three years. By 2020, wireless and mobile device traffic will account for two-thirds of total global IP traffic.

What this means for corporations is that there is no turning back this impeding future. Employees bringing their own device to work, and accessing corporate data from mobile devices will unknowingly pose threats to corporations and will have security professional searching for ways to mitigate the risks inherent in mobile security.

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