
Home  /  News and Updates   /  Our offices now take the form of a mobile phone – we’re all constantly on our devices, working as we travel across far-flung locations away from our physical offices.

Our offices now take the form of a mobile phone – we’re all constantly on our devices, working as we travel across far-flung locations away from our physical offices.

Our offices now take the form of a mobile phone – we’re all constantly on our devices, working as we travel across far-flung locations away from our physical offices. Digital mobile usage within Malaysia has seen an explosion of growth in recent years, thus it comes to no surprise that the corporate workplace will also see an increase of corporate network activity from employee mobile devices.

This new reality presents a daunting challenge for business network security. How can you ensure that all employees aren’t exposing your company to real risks every time they connect via the wi-fi at Starbucks? How can you be sure that their devices are secure when they travel?

The answers await you in the new world of mobile security. Call 03-22024190 or complete this form to learn more.

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