The Most Concerning Trends In Cybersecurity Threats

Imagine a time in the future when every service, item, and person is linked to the internet. Your refrigerator restocks itself, your car anticipates your arrival at the destination, and your doctor can keep tabs on your health from a distance. Imagine then that all those connected devices will be compromised one day. We can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to keep up with the most recent cybersecurity trends and have a strong security system to protect your business.    Five of the most concerning trends in cybersecurity are listed below:
  1. The rise of attacks using AI
Hackers use artificial intelligence to automate the process of locating and taking advantage of security flaws in a system. They can thus scale their attacks and hit more targets in a shorter time. Additionally, AI-powered attacks frequently aim to circumvent conventional security measures, making them particularly dangerous for businesses that don’t use the most recent security tools. For example, analytics that predicts — A type of AI called predictive analytics makes predictions based on historical data. Predictive analytics is a tool that hackers can use to find potential targets.
  1. An increase in ransomware
Malware, known as ransomware, encrypts a victim’s access to their files and holds them hostage until the ransom is paid. Due to how simple it is for hackers to make money with this kind of attack, it has become more prevalent recently. Businesses should be very concerned because a ransomware attack could completely halt their operations. Furthermore, there is no assurance that the hackers will unlock their files even if they pay the ransom. Businesses are more willing to pay a higher ransom to get their data back because they have more data that is valuable to hackers.
  1. The spread of the Internet of Things devices
IoT devices are electronic gadgets with internet connections that can talk to one another. IoT devices include things like smart TVs, thermostats, and doorbells. We already have to worry about the cybersecurity of our computers, smartphones, and other electronic devices; now, we also have to worry about the security of our Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The issue is that hackers can use these devices to break into a victim’s home or workplace network because they are frequently not built with security in mind. IoT device proliferation has also given hackers new openings to take advantage of. For instance, a hacker who gains access to one IoT device may be able to access all the devices on the network because IoT devices are frequently connected to one another.What a nightmare scenario that is!
  1. The expansion of cloud computing
A form of internet-based computing known as “cloud computing” uses the internet to deliver various computer services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. Businesses can take advantage of economies of scale, faster innovation rates, and flexible resources thanks to this method of operation. Although cloud computing has many advantages, there are also some risks. For instance, if a hacker gains access to a cloud computing platform, they may be able to access the data of all the businesses using that platform. 
  1. Insecure payment gateways
Businesses depend on payment gateways to complete transactions and accommodate customers who want to pay with credit cards or through 3rd party platforms like PayPal as the world moves more and more online. Many payment gateways, however, lack adequate security, leaving them open to intrusion. Since the theft of customer credit card information could result from a payment gateway breach, this is a serious issue.    In addition to the rise of IoT devices and cloud computing, ransomware attacks are also rising. Businesses must be aware of these trends and take action to secure their data to protect themselves. This entails investing in cybersecurity programmes, encrypting sensitive data, and using secure payment gateways.    This article was originally written by: Li, L. (2022, September 27). 5 alarming trends making cybersecurity threats riskier and more expensive. BetaNews. Retrieved September 28, 2022, from   

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