In Malaysia, as mobile devices such as smartphones became more prevalent in the corporate world a few years ago, individuals would often carry separate devices for personal and professional use. However, as mobile devices have become increasingly essential, a more

Ramadan in Malaysia is a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and dedication to acts of worship for Muslims. It is also a significant period for businesses in the country, as it marks a time of increased consumer activity and spending.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and MDM (Mobile Device Management) are two terms that are often used together in the context of workplace technology. BYOD refers to a policy in which employees are allowed or encouraged to use their own

Why is Data Privacy? There are numerous definitions of 'data privacy.' People (customers, employees, anyone) need to know what personal data organisations are collecting about them and how they are using it, to put it simply. Of course, this is a

We all depend on our phones every day. If I ask someone what it is about their phone that compels them to check it constantly, they will all give me different answers, such as Mail, Instagram, or call, but the

Currently, we are facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, where digitalization has entered all fields, including technology, economy, industry, health to education. This digital transformation began to be felt since the Covid-19 pandemic emerged. To prepare for

Remote work is a game-changer. It’s been around for a while now, but it’s not just a trend; it’s here to stay. While some remote workers are freelancers, others are full-time employees who choose to work from home or a coffee

Mobile device management (MDM) can transform many organizations that adopt it. However, at the same time it can complicate operations and waste resources and money if they aren’t set up properly. We spoke with our enterprise mobility specialists and here’s

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to close and people to stay at home. But little by little, we see the light at the end of the tunnel: Some countries are already easing lockdowns, and even the first events and

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