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Cyber security has become a key concern in today's fast-paced world, where digital transformation has redefined every facet of our lives. Data breaches, once a rarity, are now an unfortunate commonplace. As technology advances, so do the opportunities for hackers

The way businesses are run has changed dramatically over the last decade. This is due to the advent of new technologies that have made it possible to work anywhere and anytime, using any device. This can be a challenge for

Mobile device management (MDM) can transform many organizations that adopt it. However, at the same time it can complicate operations and waste resources and money if they aren’t set up properly. We spoke with our enterprise mobility specialists and here’s

Thanks to the pandemic, cybersecurity is now more important than ever for organizations. This is especially true for those that have transitioned to fully remote or hybrid workplace models. For example, employees may not even realize they’re comprising sensitive work

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies are becoming more and more common in the business world nowadays. Companies have realized the advantages of employees using their own devices to accomplish business tasks while practising work-from-home. It improves worker satisfaction and productivity, your business

The presence of mobile devices has become common not just personally but also professionally. Many organizations have BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies in which employees are allowed or even encouraged to use their own personal mobile devices at work.

KoolSpan and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) today announced the availability of TrustCall, a secure mobile communications application, to all DoD and IC users for download from iOS, Android,  or via the GEOINT App Store. Global telecommunications networks are basically insecure as

The Post COVID-19 Pandemic has changed how businesses operate. As most of the organizations have shifted their operations to remote work and online since the lockdown, and many of them have to revamp their digital and IT infrastructure in order

Zoom Video Communications Inc. has been accused by the shareholder of hiding flaws in its video conferencing app, part of a growing backlash against security flaws that have been exposed following an explosion in worldwide use. In a complaint filed by

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