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Mobile devices have become an inseparable aspect of daily operations for almost every organization today. Hence, ensuring Android device security is paramount to protecting sensitive corporate data. As an IT administrator responsible for safeguarding your organization’s digital assets, it is

It's hard to overstate the significance of device management for companies today. Years ago, businesses were able to manage their devices manually or through basic solutions that provided limited capabilities. While these solutions were useful in establishing a baseline level

While having employees to work from home,  there is a number of mobile devices entering the workforce, and it can be difficult for companies to ensure all the mobile devices are in check without the proper software and best practices.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Panda Labs reported that in Quarter 3 of 2016 alone, there were 18 million new malware samples were captured. Just imagine 200,000 new malwares being found everyday! It continues to evolve to bypass most levels of IT protection, which makes

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Businesses need to understand that their data is not secure when mobile devices are not managed. When staff use their mobile devices for work, they unintentionally compromise corporate data from email attachments and by storing documents in unsecure locations on

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Global businesses have spent the last decade, and a couple of billions of dollars securing their corporate networks and making sure they are compliant. But, when it comes to mobile devices, all the previous security and compliance holes that businesses

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