In today's modern era, companies heavily rely on a multitude of mobile devices for their physical asset management. These devices have become indispensable tools in various industries, aiding in tasks such as inventory tracking, equipment maintenance, and data collection. However,

When it comes to achieving success in today's fast-paced business landscape, mobility plays a vital role. The ability to remain agile, adapt quickly, and make informed decisions on the go can make all the difference between thriving and merely surviving.

Mobile device management (MDM) can transform many organizations that adopt it. However, at the same time it can complicate operations and waste resources and money if they aren’t set up properly. We spoke with our enterprise mobility specialists and here’s

The increasing use of mobile technologies is blurring the line between work and home. As companies explore new horizons in the mobile-first world, employees are taking advantage of technologies - Carrying smartphones, tablets, or any other handheld devices to work

New technologies are enabling workforces to be more responsive and productive, but there have been difficulties finding a one-size-fits-all mobility solution that suits every operational need. TechRadar recently found out that rugged devices such as rugged smartphones and tablets are

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies are becoming more and more common in the business world nowadays. Companies have realized the advantages of employees using their own devices to accomplish business tasks while practising work-from-home. It improves worker satisfaction and productivity, your business

It's 2020, the news of data breach has become less important to the people. We still hear so many companies are suffering damages from data breaches every year. Under these circumstances, data breaches are no longer just a technical but

The COVID – 19 outbreak has the world working from their homes. The only cure we have right now is remain social distancing and isolation. Many small-medium enterprises (SMEs) have shifted their employees to work from homes and the rest

With cases of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) emerging in almost every state, several businesses are taking swift action to curb its spread. Teleworking, "remote working," or simply "working from home," is the core of those efforts. While remote work arrangements may be

Coronavirus (called Covid-19) cases in Malaysia have been under control in the last few months. However, the newly confirmed cases of Covid-19 increase day after day from 13 March. Malaysia has the fourth-highest number of Covid-19 cases in Asia According to The

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