December 2019

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On November 14, the team and Stefan entered the Google office in Stockholm, Sweden, to run an event focused on what Android means for the enterprise. Working with mobility for the last thirteen years, I've closely observed and experienced rapid

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][wt_section_headings]Digital signages are used across various industries like Retail, Hospitality, Education, Healthcare, Travel & Tourism. In essence, they can be found everywhere where displaying specific information for the target audience is of vital importance. They can be used conveniently for

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][wt_section_headings] What choice have you made for your corporate devices? With the rapid proliferation of BYOD devices connecting to the corporate network, organizations must enforce device management controls without compromising the security posture of the business or the privacy and convenience of

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][wt_section_headings] Tips to stay safe while using a public Wi-Fi Is public Wi-Fi security so bad that it is better to abstain from ever using it. Well, there are steps that you can take to prevent attacks or data breaches while being

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][wt_section_headings]Most of you folks might be reading this blog while connected to a public Wi-Fi. Well, I don’t blame you, with your local café, bookstore, restaurant, all offering it for free, it’s hard not to take advantage of this service.

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][wt_spacer][wt_section_headings]With businesses around the world riding the waves of technology innovation, devising an enterprise mobility strategy has become crucial. From productivity to customer experience, mobility solutions impact every aspect of a business today (in some way or the other). But

Smartphones and tablets have revolutionized workflows for businesses of every size, giving employees the ability to work from anywhere. Unfortunately, the information on those devices is not secured unless authentication measures have been put in place, meaning the freedom of

With more than 5.1 billion unique, active mobile users in world¹, it is needless to say that technology has changed the way we live and work and it is here to stay. It’s fascinating though that while we have adopted

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