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In 2024, there are several key trends and developments expected in the field of device management.AI on the Move: Advancing Intelligence at the EdgeFirstly, AI technology will continue to advance and be integrated into edge devices. Conversational AI, such as

In the rapidly changing world of healthcare, there is a lot of discussion about the role of mobile devices. People are debating whether these devices are valuable tools or potential risks. Zebra Technologies, a leader in the field, is here

Medical technology has advanced rapidly in recent decades. However, when it comes to hospital communications, many organizations still rely on pagers, landlines and desktop computers. The communication gaps and workflow inefficiencies frustrate hospital staff and can affect patient care, satisfaction and

Just like other industries, healthcare providers are using mobile devices in their operations and communicating with staff and patients. Wireless networks and portable devices in the healthcare setting have their benefits, and the IT staff must have controls like Mobile

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