Smartphones are ubiquitous, and people are increasingly using their own mobile devices for work. While mobile technology might improve productivity and convenience, it also poses a severe security risk. According to CheckPoint's Mobile Security Report 2021, nearly every firm (97

Today's businesses rely mostly on mobility to keep their scattered, remote workforces productive, connected, and well-managed.  As the number of devices deployed in the organization grows, firms must look to the future to see how they might become more adaptable and

Enabling remote work while reducing downtime and disruption to organizational productivity has become a leadership issue for companies, particularly during the global epidemic of the previous few months. Even the largest tech companies have been victims of cybersecurity breaches and

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is the process of strengthening corporate data security by monitoring, managing, and safeguarding mobile devices used in businesses, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. IT teams and administrators can use mobile device management solutions to control

It's 2020, the news of data breach has become less important to the people. We still hear so many companies are suffering damages from data breaches every year. Under these circumstances, data breaches are no longer just a technical but

Whether your company is considering the transition to a remote workforce or improving the "Work from Home" program that you already have in place as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, you may no longer have a choice. Businesses across America

With constant news and updates coming down our throats, it is impossible to ignore the impact that the recent outbreak of coronavirus — more appropriately known as COVID-19—has on the world. When the epidemic spreads and more countries start to

Enterprise mobility management: Securing data at rest, in transit, and in use Managing the security of mobile endpoint devices such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets is different from managing the security of the stationary computers. In the case of the former, more

How can your enterprise improve its mobility strategy? As companies deploy more and more mobile devices into their infrastructure, IT admins and professionals need to have a solid enterprise mobility strategy in place. Mobile devices provide employees with a variety

[vc_section][vc_row][vc_column][wt_section_headings] Approved apps only Managed Google Play provides Enterprises or IT admins with an option to restrict the Play Store content. All the Google Play Store content is available in the managed Google Play but a stripped-down version of the Play Store,

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