Enabling remote work while reducing downtime and disruption to organizational productivity has become a leadership issue for companies, particularly during the global epidemic of the previous few months. Even the largest tech companies have been victims of cybersecurity breaches and

The advantages of having a borderless, remote workforce are undeniably advantageous to small firms, as remote workers are often easier to work with because they are less expensive and more productive. However, with borderless teams spanning cities, states, and even

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is the process of strengthening corporate data security by monitoring, managing, and safeguarding mobile devices used in businesses, such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. IT teams and administrators can use mobile device management solutions to control

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the world of digital signage and commercial display industries, as the plethora of people are starting to be very cautious of touching anything and everything outside of their rooms, even being next to

Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies are becoming more and more common in the business world nowadays. Companies have realized the advantages of employees using their own devices to accomplish business tasks while practising work-from-home. It improves worker satisfaction and productivity, your business

Just like other industries, healthcare providers are using mobile devices in their operations and communicating with staff and patients. Wireless networks and portable devices in the healthcare setting have their benefits, and the IT staff must have controls like Mobile

Financial Services firms are at an inflection point going into 2020. Mobile products and services now dominate their product roadmaps, with applications’ speed and security being paramount. How well existing IT infrastructure flexes to support the new mobile-first product and

It's 2020, the news of data breach has become less important to the people. We still hear so many companies are suffering damages from data breaches every year. Under these circumstances, data breaches are no longer just a technical but

A success of working from home requires a major mindset shift for employees. As it is a completely different mode of working compared to usual ways, therefore employees felt unfamiliarity and ultimate uncertainty that inhibits productivity.Period of organization change, especially

As a result of the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, most of the workers have to work from home. They would use their own smart devices such as laptops, tablets, mobile devices, to access business data for work purposes. Yet, cybersecurity

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