Thanks to the pandemic, cybersecurity is now more important than ever for organizations. This is especially true for those that have transitioned to fully remote or hybrid workplace models. For example, employees may not even realize they’re comprising sensitive work

Previously, we’ve covered why various industries ranging from healthcare to hospitality require MDM solutions. The agriculture industry is no exception. We all know it’s one of the oldest and most important industries of the world transformed by several industrial revolutions.

Mobile technology has transformed the construction sector, as do most industries. It has enhanced communication, decision-making, resource tracking, and management, encompassing materials, people, and workflows. The needs and wants of the construction sector for mobile devices, on the other hand,

The importance of transportation and logistics in the global economy cannot be overstated. However, moving people and things throughout the world is now more complicated and difficult than it has ever been. The world's economy is under strain as debt levels

Hoteliers are encountering issues in meeting the expectations of both visitors and workers who are carrying a growing number of mobile devices as the BYOD trend in the lodging industry grows. The advantages of mobile are numerous, but ensuring optimum

Whether you have a warehouse, 3PL, last mile delivery service, distribution centre, or manufacturing plant. Managing many mobile devices can consume a significant amount of time, effort, and money, as well as occupying your IT team work capacity. Operations might

Millennials adore their smartphones and tablets. They use them for work, money management, and sharing (sometimes far too much) personal information with their social network connections. For banks and financial services firms that employ Millennial workers, finding a balance between

With a tremendous influx of patients, the pandemic had caused a significant rise in workloads at a number of hospitals across the globe, prompting institutions to swiftly enhance the speed and efficiency of their workflows. The medical technology sector produces a

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